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Zakir Husain Delhi College

Delhi, New Delhi| Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, SKD Basti, Press Enclave, Ajmeri Gate, New Delhi, Delhi

Timing : 00:00:00am - 00:00:00pm

Mobile : 011 2323 22

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Website : https://a2rworld.com/Zakir-Husain-Delhi-College-New-Delhi

Category : college

Special :

The mission of the CoE is to prepare proficient educators who demonstrate in-depth content knowledge, cultural competence and sensitivity as well as an array of effective pedagogical skills that have been honed through rigorous classroom and field-based experiences, and to facilitate successful teaching/learning outcomes in diverse environments. Both the initial and advanced level programs support this mission that, in turn, supports the mission of the university. We strive to create learning environments and opportunities that prepare proficient educators to perform effectively and ethically in a global and technological society. Through the collaborative efforts of faculty, staff, and P-12 professionals, the College of Education establishes instructional expectations that are built on current best practices as identified by state, national, and international professional associations. All teacher-educator faculty are expected to model for teacher candidates the scholarly productivity and pedagogical skills required for all students to achieve high levels of earning.